what are the causes of revolt of 1857

“Were reject none, neither theist, nor pantheist, monist, polytheist, agnostic, nor atheist, the only condition of being a disciple in modeling a character at once the broadcast and the most intense”, he declared. The loyal subjects of the deposed Nawab of Oudh became rebellious against their new rulers. As the British maintained a racial hatred towards the Indian soldiers, the latter also developed the same kind of hatred towards their officers. The policies and laws introduced by the Company created discontentment among the rulers, landlords, peasants, tribals and sepoys and all wanted an end to the colonial rule. Their arrogant and insolent manners, rough languages and contempous behavior displeased the sepoys. A social discontent began to grow. Their future appeared uncertain. Indians as a nation suffered from inferiority complex. My dear friend At this conjuncture I believe that the reasons for the Revolt of 1857 is indeed many, the prime and the most important one being the religious sentiments being hurt. They forced the sepoys to use the cartridge. The seed of communal discord planted by the English in India sprouted … BA0130056 In India of his time, the individuals were oppressed and down-trodden. A fear spread that the Government would convert India into a Christian country in course of time. D) increased pressure on agricultural land View Answer / Hide Answer Their number, thus; grew considerably. By teaching him his worth Vivekananda established him as a nobler individual. The Mutiny, Indies was unsuccessful due to Portuguese and Dutch control over the spice trade. Such were, in essence the contents of Vivekananda’s message. But at the time of Dalhousie, the converts were given that right by law. During that period, the British Empire saw its rise and completion. It became one of the causes of the revolt. Thus, from the above discussion, we can say that the main causes of the Revolt of 1857 were due to various policies introduced by the British, the rapid spread of English education, imposing of heavy duties. The slaves shipped here came with a militant spirit after being harbored amongst the torturous vessels. which angered the local ruler, who had to now live i… The causes of the Great Revolt of 1857 and Sepoy Mutiny may be studied in the following heads: Political cause: Major political cause for the outbreak of the Revolt … were among the high degree of protests by the people that culminated in the revolt of 1857. It is my purpose to discover why this was. 4. In the end, we may presume that the revolt of 1857 was the result of a culmination of popular dissatisfaction that had been simmering for a long time against the policies of the British in India – expansion, exploitation and economic drain and humiliation of the Indian spirit by advocating the white- man’s civilizing mission – factors of multiple dimension of direct and indirect, long run and short run … Vivekananda wanted to see Hinduism in its real form. Side by side, he preached the message of a spiritual unity. The immediate cause of the Indian Revolt of 1857, or Sepoy Mutiny, was a seemingly minor change in the weapons used by the British East India Company's troops.The Company had upgraded to the new Pattern 1853 Enfield rifle, which used greased paper cartridges. yet much less than a first war of Independence. He was driven by conviction to bring all the Indian states ruled by local rulers into the fold of British administration. In 1902, at the age of 39, Vivekananda died. He believed that individual consciousness should lead a national consciousness. The orthodox and pious Brahmins could not like the rule of the British only religious grounds. The rising of 1857 began. The feelings of the unrest that was growing among the Indians finally got manifested in the form of revolt of 1857. This essay will analyse all these causes in a more detailed way (From lectures, What Are The Four Major Developmental Theories, Literature Review: Layout And Ambiance Of A Department Store, What Are The Four Major Theories Of Development. Hundreds and thousands of people had died during the years of this uprising. She became restless with a spirit of vengeance. They established schools at many places. The orthodox thought that by the rapid spread of English education, the fabrics of the traditional Indian society should break. The revolt of 1857 was a product of the character and policies of colonial rule. Therefore he proclaimed: “I would rather see every one of you rank atheists than superstitious fools: for the atheist is alive, and you can make something of him. The revolt of 1857 was a combination of political, economic, socio-religious and military causes. It is said that some of the English army officers publicly preached Christianity among their subordinate sepoys. unequal pay. It became the immediate cause of the great uprising. He knew that superstitions had destroyed much of Hindu spiritually. In loading the rifle the sepoy before inserting the cartridge had to bite off its top. The Revolt of 1857 took place due to various reasons rather than any single event. The, INDIAN FREEDOM STRUGGLE wars, that the British were the chosen race to rule the world and bring about the western civilizations to the back.  Describe immediate causes of the revolt of 1857.Although the revolt began as a military rising and it appears to be a great sequel in the long series of a number of mutinies, its causes were deeply rooted in the changing conditions of the times. Political Causes . Their manner and behavior greatly displeased the orthodox people. MEDIUM. Huge numbers of Indians were thrown out of employment. He said: “I shall go to the Mosque of a Mohammedian; I shall enter the Christian’s Church and kneel before the Crucifix; I shall enter the Buddhistic temple, where I shall take refuge in Buddha and his law. This hurt all sections of society. From secluded and higher sphere, he wanted to bring spiritual doctrines to the day-to- day life of the ordinary man. In those days the higher caste Hindus believed that to cross the sea was to lose religion. Here was a major convergence of various strands of resistance, and an expansion of scale and new level of intensity . SHREYA MENON 1857 revolt was not only a outcome of religious interference but it was a last nail in the coffin. In fact, multiple causes i.e., social-religious-political- economic worked together to produce the rebellion. It was mainly fought against the biggest East India Company which acted as the supreme power at that time. They lived a miserable existence. It was a product of character and policies of the British in India. James Lancaster was one of the few to return from the voyage. 1.1 Lack of Planning and Co-ordination; 1.2 Weak Leadership of the 1857 Mutiny; 2 Military Causes of Failure of 1857 Revolt. At last, the discontent culminated in a revolt. Those were the days of foreign domination. In addition, there were also two important Governor Generals of India whose policies accelerated the growing nationalism among the Indian people and resulted in the Great Uprising. The sepoys were the defenders of the Empire. The reason for British rule over India and China was because they wanted greater access to raw, What were the Causes and Consequences of the War of Independence (1857) They one by one became victims of British expansionism 4… They were ordered not to do so, but to use the military caps instead. Political Reasons for the Failure of 1857 Revolt. The sepoys also came to believe that in no way was an English soldier superior to an Indian sepoy in fighting qualities. Also, the import of British Machine to India, the exclusion of Indian sepoys at higher ranks in the military, etc. Although it is exaggeration, it laid the seeds for Indian nationalism. In the United States, he established the Vedanta centers. Introduction In 1857, there fell a centenary of the Battle of Plassey, fought in 1757. The poverty of the people gradually increased. It was also circulated that the flesh of pigs and cows was thrown into wells. Arrival of East India Co in India This battle is termed as the “patriotic national war of independence” by the Indians, whereas the British, REVOLT OF 1857 & THE INDIAN COUNCILS ACT, 1861 The Revolt of 1857 covered the way for the future struggle for freedom in India. India’s traditional economy collapsed as a result of the British ‘investment’ policies and revenue administration. Their economic misfortune made them the enemies of the new rulers. But soon it became widespread and involved the masses. 3. The incident of the Enfield rifle signaled for a military revolt. Since the greased cartridge contained the animal fat, as the name suggested, the fat came from all types of animals, cows and pigs included. For the British the event of 1857 were a revolt against their authority, PACIFICATION REVOLT, A NATIONALIST UPRISING, OR AS A WAR OF INDEPENDENCE? Through preaching and education began to draw the Indian towards to Christianity as best as they could. He wanted to open the Indian mind to external things. Any discussion on the reasons behind the Indian mutiny needs to be preceded by what the mutiny actually was. Nana Saheb, his nephew Rao Saheb, Nana’s support.Tatya Tope, Rani of Jhansi Lakshmi Bai, the Rajput leader Kunwar Singh, the Mughal Emperor’s follower Feroz Shah, and Oudh Nawab’s disciple Ahamadullah, and several others began to prepare for a struggle. The Revolt of 1857, the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the Uprising of 1857, the Great Rebellion, the Indian Mutiny, the Sepoy Mutiny, are the different names for India’s … PreserveArticles.com: Preserving Your Articles for Eternity. The number of the Indian sepoys in that year was 2, 33,000. This was … That kind of arrangement encouraged the sepoys to feel powerful as well as disloyal. As per some British historians, it was just a peasant sepoy mutiny. Our God is the cooking –pot, our religion is: do not touch me, I am holy,” said Vivekananda while criticizing the Hindus. The spiritual consciousness which he created in man, indirectly paved path for a democratic consciousness. They should be viewed together. Title: THE REVOLT OF 1857 1 THE REVOLT OF 1857 2 THE GREAT REVOLT THE FIRST WAR OF INDEPENDENCE 3 (No Transcript) 4 Mangal Pandey 5 THE OUT BURST. In general, the sepoys and their officers were dissatisfied with their pay, promotions or future prospects. I shall go into the forest and sit down in the meditation with the Hindu, who is trying to see the light which enlightens the heart of the every one. Dalhousie had even desire to drive out the Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah II from Delhi in order to extinguish the Mughal dynasty. Sen describes it as "having begun as a fight for religion but ended as a war of independence." By denying that truth, the British added fuel to the fire. Apart from these reasons some others … Spiritual realities and worldly life should be considered separately. In that year there were a series of uprising which were known by British historians as ‘the Indian mutiny’ and by Indian historians as ‘The War of Independence’ these different names for the same event show how history can be a matter of interpretation. That in a sense became the social cause of the revolt. To the generations to follow, he remained a symbol of India’s spiritual greatness, and a source of national inspiration. Dalhousie’s policy of annexation came as a shock to the princely order of India. Those Hindus who embraced Christianity was not allowed to inherit their paternal property. The causes from the Muslims were that they started to think that if they would not push them out of India, their. 1. 5. The British authorities could feel the sentiment of the sepoys, but did not care for it. When influential people lost privileges, their economic discontent grew considerably. So, when an opportunity came, the landlords, Taluqdars and the common subject took up arms against the Government wherever they could. The Causes of the War. The revolt of 1857 was initiated due to quite a number of elements which are referred to below: 1. One of the well-known incidents of the Mutiny was in the town of Cawnpore where, The main cause of the rebellion is considered to be the East India Company’s exploitative and oppressive policies towards the Indian native soldiers – Sepoy. The sever famines which devoured millions of people remained issues, that were never addressed. The Causes Of The Rebellion. During the administration of Dalhousie, nearly 20 thousand lands–holders of the Deccan lost their lands. By that time, the secret agents of Rani Lakshmi Bai and Nana Saheb were busy among the angry sepoys to foment trouble. He wanted to make the Hindu modern. Evangelicals, for example, saw the improvement in India through Christianity and conversion of the Indian people to it. Their Crime -These troopers had refused to load their rifles with the new cartridges. Click here to get an answer to your question ️ what are the causes of the revolts of 1857 The regiment was disbanded and those who led the opposition were hanged. V.D. The revolt of 1857 was initiated due to various factors which are stated below: Religious & Social Causes – racism or racial discrimination was believed to be a major reason for the revolt of 1857 wherein Indians were exploited and were kept away from mixing with Europeans. Vivekananda taught many things to his countrymen. Vivekananda visited the West again in 1899. Fifthly, in his attempts to modernize the Hindu, Vivekananda taught the values of modern science side with the philosophies of the Vedas and Upanishads. Lack of Societal Alternative Revolt of 1857 – Causes . Major Centres of Revolt; Causes of Revolt. Rumors spread that they might compelled in some form or other to embrace Christianity. To quote him again: “Nor was it only by the innovations of moral progress that the hierarchies of India were alarmed and offended. The tenure of Dalhousie was pathetic as far as concerns of the Indian natives are concerned. social causes of revolt of 1857 » There was fear among peoples that Christian missionaries will convert them into Christian. Firstly, the British Generals and army officers did not know to behave well with the sepoys. There was diverse reasons like political, economic, military, religious and social reasons for the uprising of revolt against the tyranny of British East India company. Fourthly, Vivekananda preached spirituality in the light of modern enlightenment. In 1900, he attended the Congress of the History of religions at Paris. The Sepoy mutiny of 1857, popularly known as the Revolt of 1857 was the first major attempt at overthrow of the British rule from India led by disgruntled sepoys or army jawans and later joined by various sections of the society like princes, zamindars, peasants, etc. (i) The people felt that the British were destroying those socio-religious customs which were sacred to the Indians. The cartridge for that gun contained some animal fat only it. In 1897, he founded the Ramakrishna Mission with three main objectives, namely, the mission should preach the Vedantic spiritualism among the people at large, it should aim at establishing harmony among the various cults, creeds and faiths; and it should be devote itself to the service of mankind as service to God. Their aggression, at first took the, What Was The Causes Of The Revolt Of 1857, The Revolt of 1857-1858 that happened in India is known also as the Mutiny of Sepoy in Britain and as the First War of Indian Independence among the Indian population. A) Heavy taxation B) But down on major patronage for artisans and handicrafts C) increasing availability of market for Indian cotton. It is true that it was India’s actual or official rebel against the prevailing British Raj it is also true that the revolt was not formed because of one single factor, many small but significant factors led to the Revolt of the 1857. At places, they criticized other religions in order to establish the greatness of their own to the orthodox people, the missionary activities appeared very dangerous. Thus, the territorial greed of the British and the reaction of the Indian princes against that aggression was the political cause of the Revolt of 1857. But if superstition enters, the brain is gone, the brain is softening, and degradation has been seized upon the life”. 1. for different reasons. Sixthly, from some unknown source, there spread belief among the Indian sepoys that the British rule was coming in close. PreserveArticles.com is an online article publishing site that helps you to submit your knowledge so that it may be preserved for eternity. Utilitarian saw the improvement in India through the maintaining good policies. To loads that cartridge in the gun, the soldier was required to use his teeth to tear of one end of the cartridge. The English educated young people came under modern influences and began to criticize the superstitions in their own society. Only the whole, the Western ways and modes of life to some extent distributed the mind of the orthodox. They knew that they were the backbone of the imperial strength. The rebellion began on 10 May 1857 in the form of a mutiny of sepoys of the Company's army in the garrison town of Meerut, 40 mi (64 km) northeast of Delhi (now Old Delhi). This belief of possessing supreme authority is what led British to conquer its remaining colonies, one of which was the great India. Although some Historians claim 1857 revolt as just an Sepoy mutiny, V. D. Savarkar says it as First War of Independence. It should be rational, reasonable, necessary and practical. John William Kaye, the historian of the Sepoy War, regarded Dalhousie’s encouragement of female education as one of the causes of the Mutiny. When Dalhousie left in 1856, there were only 45 thousands English soldiers in India. To the religious Hindu, crossing the sea meant loss of caste.The sepoys, therefore, refused to comply. From Siraj-ud-Daulah, who became their first victim, they defeated ruler after ruler and annexed their kingdoms. The revolt of 1857 witnessed in large parts of North and Central India was an armed rebellion triggered due to number of political and economic policies of British. The policy of taxing lands belonging to temples and mosques lent further … They became fearful regarding their religions. As the sepoy army raised the banner of revolt, the princes and the people joined their hands with them. revolt of 1857 in india causes leaders sepoy mutiny indian rebellion. TAMIL NADU NATIONAL LAW SCHOOL Why was the Revolt a failure? REVOLT OF 1857 & THE INDIAN COUNCILS ACT, 1861 SHREYA MENON BA0130056 TAMIL NADU NATIONAL LAW SCHOOL TIRUCHIRAPPALLI SUBMITED TO PROF. ANSHUMAN SINGH The Revolt of 1857, commonly called as the Sepoy Revolt, was the culmination of the manifold grievances that Indians had against the East India Company’s rule. Various causes were responsible for the Revolt of 1857. That is to say, for each English soldier, there were five Indians sepoys. The policy of the British Government was to exploit the wealth of India. Formation of Indian National Congress Religious causes 4. While discontent against the British rule was growing among the different section of the populations, the Indian sepoys in the British army were getting restless. The revolt was led by exiled princes and displaced landlords and although being a popular revolt, it failed due to lack of, The Great Rebellion of the Indian people of 1857 became the topic of debates among historians. Teeth to tear of one end of the Deccan lost their thrones or pensions became the poverty with! The military caps contained leather strip, which the rulers of the nation poor peasants also did not like rule... Higher caste sepoys, therefore did not gain any economic benefit from the battle Plassey! Troopers had refused to use purportedly tainted weaponry to extinguish the Mughal.... 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