factors affecting microbial growth biology discussion

Microbes require certain elements, such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur, to survive, which they can gain from their host or from inorganic sources. “Balanced growth” as defined by Campbell, is doubling of every biochemical unit of the cell within the time duration of a single division without a change in the rate of growth. Hurdle technology is becoming an increasingly popular preservation strategy. Lecture 1 David mbwiga. (ii) Water Availability: The water availability is one of the factors affecting the growth of microorganisms in nature. Water availability depends upon the water content present in the environment and water soluble salts, sugars and other substances. A photoautotroph uses light energy to synthesize sugar from carbon dioxide. When the logarithmic of cell number in the population is plotted against time, a straight line is obtained to suggest that there is an equal percentage increase in the number of cells during a constant time interval. A cell is considered to have died or to have to become non-viable when it is no longer capable of multiplying. The high dilution rate does not allow the organism to grow fast enough to keep up with its dilution rates, a large fraction of the cells may die from starvation due to non-availability of nutrients required for maintenance of cell metabolism (Fig. The techniques of spectrophotometry and serial plate dilutions for measuring the growth rate of bacteria are established methodology for the microbiologists. Inhibition of Microbial Growth. 3.9). Bacterial cells can be accurately counted by using Petroff- Hausser counting chamber (the chamber includes a glass slide, a cover slip which is framed and kept 1/50 mm above the slide so that bacterial suspension is present in each ruled square of the slide. The plate count is also performed by spread plate method. This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU. ability to participate in chemical/biochemical reactions, and its. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Solutes and Water Acidity: Water is one of the most essential requirements for life. Although in the log phase, the growth is maximum, a culture in logarithmic phase represents a population of cells of different ages, some have just divided and others are in the intermediate stages of the division cycle. In fact, we can say that the stationary phase is reached when the viable cell number does not increase. Hence more light is scattered. For example, a culture which has a double time of 60 minutes will give a growth rate of one. The growth rate can be expressed in time. They require a host to multiply. Each organism grows, reproduces and forms a visible mass in the form of colony. To understand the properties of individual cell, during the course of its division cycle, it is necessary to analyze each cell, which is practically not possible. The rate of growth is influenced by a variety of factors such as the composition of medium, environmental and the inherent properties of the culture. Welcome to BiologyDiscussion! To avoid swelling or shrinking in response to osmosis, microbes must maintain a cellular salt concentration similar to their external environment. The rate of loss of cells through overflow can be expressed as: Where flow rate F is measured in the culture volume V/hr. During this period the cells increase in size as a result of extensive macromolecule synthesis. 3.11). Therefore, a colony count on an agar plate reveals the viable microbial population. 3.8. Doubling time for most bacteria is reported to be as fast as 15-20 minutes under optimal conditions. Factors affecting Microbial growth In most cases, serial dilutions are needed to obtain final dilution. Typically molds have optimal mass doubling time of 4- 8 h although, some are reported to double as little as 60-90 min. It means cells are in the habitat of high salt concentration. An organism that has a strict requirements for specific factors in order to survive is said to be obligate for them. 80% of the bacterial cell is … Growth proceeds from the tip of the mycelium by forming septa between the cells. Organisms having complex nutritional requirements and needing many growth factors are said to be fastidious. Different microorganisms (microbes) need different factors in order to grow and survive. A bacterial population's generation time, or time it takes for a population to double, varies between species and depends on how well growth requirements are met. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Bacterial growth can be measured either by: (ii) By weighing the cell i.e. The phase of decline is seen generally in bacteria, which also be rapid if cell lysis occurs. Pressure 6. Similar to these, there are certain organisms, that require high sugar percentage, are called osmophiles such as Saccharomyces, Bacilli and Penicillium spp. Disclaimer Copyright, Share Your Knowledge Molds grow by chain elongation and branching. (With Methods)| Industrial Microbiology, How is Cheese Made Step by Step: Principles, Production and Process, Enzyme Production and Purification: Extraction & Separation Methods | Industrial Microbiology, Fermentation of Olives: Process, Control, Problems, Abnormalities and Developments, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. A microbe that can tolerate living in high salt concentrations is called a halophile. In a culture medium containing two carbon sources, bacteria such as E.coli displays a growth ­curve, called diauxic (Fig. Microbial growth on meat products, as well as other foods, is affected, not only by the type and level of initial contamination but also by various factors associated with the product (intrinsic) or its environment (extrinsic). If concentration of the cell in the sample is high, light scattered away from the detecting unit by one to one cell can be re-scattered back by another. Sofos, in Encyclopedia of Food Safety, 2014. A virus inside the cell can replicate itself 50-300 times before the cell bursts. If the soil is saline, it makes the dry environment. Microbial Growth. Most of the agricultural soil has 0.9-1.0 water activities. Moisture. When such a system is in equilibrium, cell number and nutrient status remain constant and system is in steady state. Chemostat (kee-mo-stat, kem. Microbial nutrient requirements and nutritional types of microorganisms; Uptake of nutrients by the cell; Culture media, Isolation and cultivation of pure cultures; Study Questions 4; Microbial growth and control. Since OD is proportional to cell mass and thus also to cell number, therefore, turbidity reading acts as an estimate of cell number or cell mass. If a bacterial culture contains 105 cells/ml at t0 and 1010 cells/ml after 4 hours, calculate its specific growth rate and doubling time. Under optimal conditions, yeast may divide in as little as 45 minutes however, 90-120 minutes is optimum. Nutrient transport utilized by microbes can be passive, requiring no energy, or active, requiring energy. The method is indirect; hence some direct measurements of cell number should also be determined. Fixed effects are assumed to be drawn from a finite set of perturbations of interest, for example the effect of different concentrations of a chemical on growth that are entirely represented in the dataset. Obligate microbes have strict requirements for survival, while facultative microbes can adjust to tolerate other environmental conditions, such as pH, temperature, oxygen, salinity, and hydrostatic pressure. Factors such as oxygen, pH, temperature, and light influence microbial growth. The growth of microorganisms is influenced by various physical and chemical factors of their environment. What are antibiotics? Recently, to obtain synchronous culture, the exponentially grown culture is centrifuged either in sucrose, glycerol or sorbitol gradients in order to separate cells based on their densities which is directly related to their age. Factors such as temperature of storage, relative humidity, age of eggs, and level of surface contamination will influence internalization. Share Your PDF File The water availability is one of the factors affecting the growth of microorganisms in nature. Water availability in physical sense is called as water activity denoted by aw, which is a ratio between vapour pressure of the air in equilibrium with a substance or solution to the vapour pressure at the same temperature of pure water. Most pathogens are heterotrophs; some are entirely dependent on the host, unable to survive outside of it. The halophilic Archaea Haloferax volcanii is found in the Dead Sea. The amount per cell will increase in population to the cell number. •The microbial growth is the increase in number of cells rather than in size of individual cells. Hetero-tolerant organisms can tolerate some reduction in water activity (aw) and grow best in the absence of added solute. A heterotroph obtains all of its nutrients from its environment, while an autotroph synthesizes some nutrients using compounds it uptakes. There are four general patterns of microbial growth. (iii) By cell activity (turbidity method) measurement. While high-throughput technologies have enabled rapid analyses of mutant libraries, technical and biological challenges complicate data … Since bacteria are easy to grow in the lab, their growth has been studied extensively. Microbes may also be facultative for specific factors, which means they are able to tolerate an environment with or without specific properties. The length of the lag phase depends upon a variety of factors such as the age of the inoculum, the composition of the growth medium and the environmental factors such as temperature, pH, aeration, etc. Privacy Policy3. Factors Affecting Microbial Growth scuffruff. Hence, the one to one correspondence between cell number and turbidity does not follow linearity as shown. When the cultures in log phase are analyzed, cells are present in various stages and division cycle. The principal gases that affect microbial growth are oxygen and carbon dioxide. This example concludes Nataliya’s story that started in How Microbes Grow and Oxygen Requirements for Microbial Growth.. Depending on the Optimum pH for Growth: (a) Alkaliphilic Bacteria (Alkaliphiles): They grow best at … Different microbes have different requirements for nutrients, as well as the amount of each nutrient, that they must acquire. Typical examples of extrinsic factors that affect microbial growth in foods are temperature, relative humidity, gases and the amount or number and type of microorganisms present in the food. 3.5. Most of the … The micronutrients and trace elements needed for microbial growth include manganese, zinc, cobalt, molybdenum, nickel, and copper. Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water are the most common molecules that enter or exit microbial cells by simple diffusion. In both pour plate and spread plate methods the plates containing bacterial suspension are incubated until the colonies appear and the colonies are counted. Serial dilutions of the sample are usually adopted. To keep the cultures in constant environments for longer durations continuous culture method is adopted. The area of square is 1/400 mm2; glass cover slip rests 1/50 mm above the slide hence volume over a square is 1/20,000 mm3 or 1/20,000,000 cm3, for example – if in one square, an average of five bacteria is present, then these are 5 × 20,000,000, or 108 bacteria per ml. A chemoautotroph is an organism that obtains energy through chemical reactions with certain organic or inorganic compounds, such as those containing sulfur. Lack of water supports the Xerophiles for example Xeromyces bisporus. Growth An orderly increase in the quantity of all the cellular constituents. When a population of cell from a stationary phase or death phase is used to inoculate fresh growth medium, the cells will not continue to die but re-enter the lag phase and initiate new growth. When culture becomes old, the composition of the culture medium is drastically changed. E. coli grows in a medium with a generation time greater than 40 min, will show a period when no DNA synthesis occurs. where n = number of cell division or generations that the population has undergone during an interval of time (T2-T1). The two general categories of nutrient transport that microbes can use are passive transport and active transport. Yeasts divide by budding (exceptions to include yeast that grow by fission or by forming hyphae). Before sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. In the log phase, the cell population increases logarithmically and the cells divide at the maximum rate permitted by the composition of medium and environmental conditions. Although almost all higher plants and animals are dependent upon a supply of oxygen, this does not hold true for all micro-organisms. Factors affecting microbial growth Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Lecture 5 chemical preservation of food David mbwiga. to inhibit microbial growth is called hurdle technology. This can be obtained after centrifugation of a known volume of culture and weighing the pellet obtained. In most buildings, warmth and moisture are the biggest overall issues present. Additional factors include osmotic pressure, atmospheric pressure, and moisture availability. Radiation. cell mass measurement or. •The requirements for microbial growth can be divided into two main categories: physical and nutritional. Explain its significance. However, little is known about how these factors act on the microbial community, and especially what role microbe–microbe interaction dynamics play. Antimicrobial Barriers and Constituents: All foods were at “some stage part of living organisms and, … pH: pH affects the ionic properties of bacterial cell so it affects the growth of bacteria. A number of methods are available for meas­uring microbial growth. Lecture 2 David mbwiga. The growth is exponential but the exponent is much greater than two. This is a question and answer forum for students, teachers and general visitors for exchanging articles, answers and notes. In a continuous culture, KM = DM. Measurement of microbial growth is given in Fig. growth rate (K), will equal the dilution rate in a stabilized continuous culture. There are a variety of environmental factors that affect microbial growth. Hence, this method is reasonably accurate only for measurement of microbial growth till early log phase. The period of exponential growth is followed by stationary phase in which the total number of viable cells remain constant. A continuous culture essentially requires a flow of constant volume to which medium is added continuously and from which continuous removal of medium along with culture can occur. The continuous culture does not represent synchronous growth since these do not contain cells that are physiologically identical. Nutrients are necessary for microbial growth and play a vital role in the proper cultivation of microorganisms in the laboratory and for proper growth in their natural environments. Bacterial growth under nutrient-rich and starvation conditions is intrinsically tied to the environmental history and physiological state of the population. Water availability depends upon the water content present in the environment and water soluble salts, sugars and other substances. To distinguish orderly growth with that of in orderly growth, in recent years the term “balanced growth” has been used. availability to facilitate growth of microorganisms. This stage represents a period of active growth without cell division and the cells prepare for division. This method is called pour plate method. For example, a subset of bacteria requires silicic acid as a component of the cell wall, while halophilic microbes depend on sodium in addition to other elements for survival. In some cases of industrial fermentations which contain complex media, indi­rect methods for estimation need to be used however, no matter what method is used, considerable care is required in interpreting the results. For example, conditions such as high humidity and wet and dirty shells, along with a drop in the storage temperature will increase the likelihood for entry of bacteria. If too many colonies are appearing and overlapping each other, the sample is diluted so that the colonies are accurately counted. In between a short lag period is there. J.N. Factors that. Microbiology, Microorganisms, Growth of Microorganisms. The types of nutrients that are required include those that supply energy, carbon and additional necessary materials. • Other growth factors include heme (nonprotein component of many cytochromes) or cholesterol • Understanding growth factor requirements has practical implications o Bioassays using microbes to detect the specific growth factor that they need. Cells from the death phase may, however, show a longer lag in contrast to cells transferred from either the stationary phase or the logarithmic phase. Turbidity is developed in the liquid medium due to the presence of cells which make cloudy appearance to the eyes. Some microbes have additional nutrient requirements, depending on the environment in which they live. This is called fresh weight but dry weight of cells is obtained by drying the pelleted cells at 90-110°C overnight. After sometime, they will metabolize slowly but will not divide. (ii) Colony Counting (Plate-Counting Technique): This method is based on the fact that one viable cell gives rise to one colony. Which organelle is known as “power house” of the cell? Microorganisms grow in a variety of physical and chemical environments. Answer Now and help others. To make a 10-fold (10-1) dilution, 10 ml sample is mixed with 90 ml diluent. Such organism is called halophiles such as Pseudomonas spp. The duration of stationary phase varies with the organism and environmental conditions. Chemical factors- Oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, etc. During growth in liquid medium of unicellular microorganisms, the increase in cell number is logarithmic (exponential) for some time. On the other hand, the pattern of DNA synthesis can be either periodic or continuous depending upon how fast the culture is growing. When bacteria are transferred from a slant culture to a known volume of liquid medium the population undergoes a characteristic sequence in its rate of increase in cell number. Some trace elements are also present at extremely low concentrations in the environment, while macronutrients and micronutrients are more abundant and easier for the microbes to obtain. Actually, dissolved substances have an ability for water which make the water associated with solutes unavailable to organisms. I lead the discussion toward why it might be important to study the effect of temperature on bacterial growth, and a hypothesis is developed for the growth of E. coli at 37°C and 25°C. The process of growth depends on the availability of requisite nutrients and their transport into the cells, and the environmental factors such as aeration, O 2 supply, temperature and pH. First E. coli will utilize glucose and after it is exhausted lactose will be utilized. Bacterial cells divide by binary fission, hence their increase in cell number is a function of the exponent (21, 22, 23, 24, …… 2n). pH measures how acidic or basic (alkaline) a solution is, and microbes may grow in either acidic, basic, or neutral pH conditions. However, cell growth occurs as indicated by the increase in cell mass. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur are among the macronutrients that a microbe must obtain from its environment. To obtain the appropriate colony number, the sample must be diluted. The composition and metabolic activities of microbes in drinking water distribution systems can affect water quality and distribution system integrity. Warmth, moisture, pH levels and oxygen levels are the four big physical and chemical factors affecting microbial growth. What are the characters Mendel selected for his experiments on pea plant? Secondly, dead cells also interfere during measurement. Yeast: Origin, Reproduction, Life Cycle and Growth Requirements | Industrial Microbiology, How is Bread Made Step by Step? Clinical Focus: Nataliya, Resolution. In such cases the number of viable cells will remain constant after attaining the stationary phase and the phase of decline may not be seen. So they must infect a cell and utilised the cell protein and nucleic acid synthesizing machinery to produce new viral material. There are many different types of relationships that microbes may have with their host, such as mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. (i) Cell Counting by Direct Microscopic Count Method: Direct microscopic counts are rapid but limited for their inability to distinguish between the living and dead cells unless differentiated by use of a vital staining technique. Very few bacteria are halophiles; instead, most halophilic microbes are archaea. Passive transport avoids the use of energy because molecules are moving from an area of high concentration toward an area of low concentration. Turbidity can be measured with a photometer or a spectrophotometer device that detects the amount of un-scattered light recorded in photometer unit (for example “klett units” or optical density (OD) as shown in Fig. Some of the bacteria that live in mammalian intestines have a mutualistic relationship between the bacteria and the mammal, because both the bacteria and the mammal benefit. Factors Affecting Growth of Bacteria. The number of cells/ml is called cell density which is controlled in the chemostat by the nutrients. Diffusion may either involve molecules moving through the semipermeable plasma membrane directly (simple diffusion) or by passing through a carrier protein channel (facilitated diffusion). Lecture 4 browning reaction David mbwiga. The most important physical factors are pH, temperature, oxygen, pressure, and salinity. To get correct information’s, viable counts are often expressed as the number of colony forming units (CFU) per millilitre rather than number of viable cells. Some of the bacteria that live on mammalian skin, on the other hand, are commensal bacteria, or neither harmful nor helpful to the host, as the bacteria require the skin environment for their survival, while the mammal does not need the bacteria to serve any particular function. Share Your Word File At this point the daughter cell separates. Under this conditions, if glucose and lactose are supplemented in medium having E. coli. The length of log period is determined mainly by the composition of the medium and the rate of accumulation of inhibitory products. The growth rate and growth yield can be controlled independently on each other by adjusting the dilution rate and by varying the concentration of nutrients present in a limiting amount. In facilitated diffusion, the carrier protein channels are specific to a certain molecule or group of molecules. (iv) Turbidity Measurement by Optical Density Method: The cell mass and number is also obtained by using optical density method. When the temperature is raised to optimum, the cells will undergo a synchronized division. Some bacteria such as the sporulating bacteria may form endospores as they reach the stationary phase of growth and these would be resistant to lysis or death. Every microbe can be categorized based upon its method of acquiring nutrition. Osmosis causes water molecules to diffuse across membranes from areas of high water concentration (i.e., low salt concentration) to areas of low water concentration (i.e., high salt concentration). Further, viable counts, preparations of dilutions of the sample also give wrong information’s. Hence, a minimum amount of energy is required to maintain cell structure. To overcome this situation, organisms start producing intracellular compatible solutes (solute present in the cell adjust cytoplasmic water activity which is non- inhibitory to biochemical processes of the cell), which make the cell in equilibrium state and positive water balance (Table 3.1). Physical and Chemical Factors Affecting Microbial Growth, Determining the Population Size of Microbes. 3.10). The choice depends upon the measurement, objectives and usefulness of the available techniques. A synchronous population can be generated either by physically separating the cells in the same stage of division or by forcing a cell population to attain an identical physiological condition by a change in the environment. (iii) Measurement of Cell Mass and Turbidity: Cell mass is directly proportional to cell number. A trace element is a nutrient that is needed in very small amounts. Both classes also grow as mycelial organisms. The present atmosphere of the earth contains about 20 per cent (V/V) oxygen. Such energy is called maintenance energy. Microbes must also be able to adjust to the concentration of salt in their environment. These are counted either by using colony counter or with the aid of large magnifying lens. Dampness is a big player in the growth of fungi. Methods and Results: The influence of temperature and pH was studied through fermentation and modelling. Microbial viruses or phages do not fol­low the normal growth patterns. This method is adopted in counting microorganisms in soil. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to share notes in Biology. A system that closely resembles and amplifies the behaviour of single cell is a synchronous culture, which contains cells that are physiologically identical and are in the stage of division cycle. Solutes and Water Acidity 2. The growth of microorganisms is a highly complex and coordinated process, ultimately expressed by increase in cell number or cell mass. The use of multiple environmental factors (i.e., pH, salt concentration, tem-perature, etc.) Tetragenococcus halophilus is a halophilic bacterium that is used to ferment salty foods such as soy sauce. Depending upon the physiological environment, the mycelium may be long or diffuse, short and highly branched, or a mixture of two. In the synchronized culture, the cells are physiologically identical, cell division occurs periodically at constant intervals. Osmosis passively moves water across membranes in response to a concentration gradient. Analysis of such population therefore, yields only average value of any parameter. Factors affecting microbial growth measurements include both fixed and random effects . The cell number during this period increases as a function of the exponent (21, 22, 23, 24, …… 2n). In lag phase, there is no increase in the number of viable cells. Some organisms may display long stationary phase lasting for several days while others may show a very short stationary phase of only few hours before the next phase begins. The lowest pH value that an organism can tolerate is called the minimum growth pH and the highest pH is the maximum growth pH.These values can cover a wide range, which is important for the preservation of food and to microorganisms’ survival in the stomach. Aims: To study the effect of different fermentation conditions and to model the effect of temperature and pH on different biokinetic parameters of bacterial growth and exopolysaccharides (EPS) production of Streptococcus thermophilus ST 111 in milk‐based medium. For carrying out this, a measured amount of the sample of bacterial suspension is mixed in the agar medium (when it is in liquid form at 40-45±°C). Just like … In humans, parasitic microbes can cause intestinal diseases such as toxoplasma. Regulation of cellular salt concentration is especially important for microbes in aquatic environments, since they will gain or lose water through osmosis. Four recognizable phases are seen when the increase in cell number is determined in relation to time. Influence. If the con­centration of the nutrient in the incom­ing medium is raised with the dilution rate remaining constant, the cell density will increase although growth rate will remain the same. A batch culture is that in which growth of microbes occurs in a limited volume of liquid medium. These organisms generally require 15-30% sodium chloride for their optimum growth. This example concludes Nataliya’s story that started in how microbes grow and oxygen requirements specific. N = number of methods are available for meas­uring microbial growth contamination will influence internalization an ability for which... Proteins, or active, requiring no energy, or RNA contents per cell will increase in size a! Lactose are supplemented in medium having E. coli grows in a stabilized continuous culture does not increase visitors you... Number should also be facultative for specific factors in order to grow and survive ” has been factors affecting microbial growth biology discussion help to! Developed in the liquid medium of unicellular microorganisms, 4 main methods of Air Sampling | Palynology known of. 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