what is the first step in the organizing process

a. Overall tasks or activities of the organisation are determined to achieve this goal. Organisation charts depict the delegation of authority and responsibil­ity and the vertical and horizontal relationships of the different departments and the individuals manning the organisation, while, organisation manuals convey instructions for conducting regular activities. Once managers come to know what tasks must be done, they are ready to classify and group those activities into manageable work units. Examine each activity identified to determine its general nature (marketing, production, finance, personnel, etc.). 3. At this stage, duties are assigned to different subordinates and heads of departments on the basis of their specialisation. Division of work leads to specialisation which has the following benefits: Adam Smith illustrated a study where one person could manufacture 20 pins a day if he worked alone. Organizing (4–6 months) Perhaps the most critical step in the process, organizing entails proactive recruitment to ensure that a diverse and representative cross-section of the community is actively involved in the process. Establishment of Structural Relationship for Overall Control: Process of Organising – Determination of Objectives, Enumeration of Activities, Grouping Activities, Allocation of Fixed Responsibility, Delegation of Authority and Coordination, Process of Organising – Steps: Identification and Division of Work, Departmentalisation, Alignment of Duties and Establishing Reporting Relationships, – Division of Work, Departmentalisation, Assigning Duties, Delegation of Authority and Coordinating Activities, – 3 Major Steps:  Division of Work, Formation of Departments and Reporting, Process of Organising – Identification and Division of Work, Grouping of Activities, Assignment of Duties and Delegation of Authority, Process of Organising – Determination of Objectives, Division of Activities, Grouping of Activities, Defining Authority and Responsibility, Reviewing and Reorganising, Process of Organising – Division of Work, Departmentalisation, Assigning Duties, Delegation of Authority and Coordinating Activities, Process of Organising – 3 Major Steps:  Division of Work, Formation of Departments and Reporting. This step is based on the principle of functional definition. Grouping of Activities into Departments or Work Units: 4. The organising function is performed by a manager by taking the following steps: First thing first. Before publishing your Articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Also, the levels at which various major and minor decisions will be made must be determined. This is the step of grouping the work into specific departments, also known as departmentalisa­tion. It is task oriented. Before we start to organize the process, we need to make sure the organization is ready for strategic planning. 7. For example, a school may have different departments like teaching, office administration, library, sports, etc., and a particular department, say teaching, can further be sub-divided into smaller departments on the basis of subjects like Commerce, Economics, English, etc. The process of organising involves the following major steps: The organisations have strong internal focus on job descriptions and functional specialisations to create conditions for work-flow in a streamlined manner. For example- the activities of a manufacturing company may be grouped into such departments as production, marketing, financing and personnel. Fixing the objectives of the organisation. What was happening in the class the next morning was unimaginable. Our first step within strategic planning begins with organizing the process. Topic: The Process of Organizing 57. The activities may be grouped on the basis of functions, products, territories, customers, etc., depending on the nature of the business. Every individual must know his area of responsibility i.e., what work he is to do and also what rights and powers him may exercise in doing it. 6. A definite type of ranking order called hierarchy exists which allows reporting and authority to flow in different directions. People are employed in each department and work is allocated depending on the competencies and skills of each employee. Then start with what you can see. Prima facie, it is absolutely essential to prepare a list of tasks to be done. It further creates hierarchy in the management. Mere assignment of duties and responsibility is not enough, people must also be given some authority of powers to perform their jobs. In addition, 1 really should focus on obtaining the intellectual information all the time. The idea is to separate all the items in the junk drawer into categories that are similar in function and/or purpose. 1. Service organisations provide services such as transportation to their customers. ... Reading the literature, checking it for relevance, and taking notes c. Organizing the literature with a literature map d. Locating the literature about a topic. People with an aptitude for figures and numbers may be seen fit for the accounts department. Two important effects of horizontal structuring are enumerated below: Firstly, it defines the working relationships among operating departments. But with the passage of time new plans will be formulated. Start your project by determining the “mission” of the space/room. This article throws light upon the five main steps involved in organizing process. Clear Definition of Objectives: 6. It shows the work being done in each job — the levels on boxes — as also the degree to which specialization (division of work) is carried out. Defining clearly the inter-relationship helps in establishing coordination. After grouping the activities into various depart­ments, each department is put in charge of a manager who undertakes the responsibility of achieving the de­sired results. Allocation of Duties and Responsibilities: After grouping of activities assign­ing duties to competent individuals is done, after deeply analyzing their educa­tional, professional and experience-oriented competencies. In this step, the employees are assigned duties as per their qualifications, experience and suitability to a particular job. For example- the marketing depart­ment may have separate sections such as market re­search, advertising, credit sales etc. In this section, you will gain an understanding of these basic steps of organizing a community group in a neighborhood, a congregation, an institution, etc. Process # 1. The responsibility of every individual should be defined clearly to avoid duplication and overlapping of efforts. Examples of the former are hiring, training, and record-keeping. Performing the same task over and over again increases the skills and efficiency of workers. That committee will be tasked with spearheading the unionization effort. This stage reveals if any reorganising process is necessary to steer the activities of the departments in the desired direction. Authority means the freedom of taking decision, guiding the subordinates and the freedom of supervising and controlling. People having good skills in communication are given jobs in sales department. After the work is assigned to people, those performing similar activities are grouped in similar departments. The activi­ties are to be assigned first. The performance of departments and sections are to be compounded to achieve objectives. Drucker has said that “an institution is like a tune; it is not constituted by individual sounds, but by the relations between them.” This step involves the creation of superior-subordinate relationships. There are no such rules as to which will lead to the best organizational structure. Tackling your biggest problem first will make you feel more motivated to continue, says Lowenheim. (c) the informal relationships. Establishment of Structural Relationship for Overall Control 11. It is the duty of the management to clearly define the relationships in the organisation. For example, if the organisation wants to export goods, it should determine the nature and type of goods to be exported, the sources from where raw material will be obtained, countries where goods will be exported, co-ordinate with foreign buyers etc. Apart from this, the span of control of superiors i.e. The union runs an organizing drive. Although the determination of the objectives of an enterprise is done under the first function of management, i.e., planning but before commencing the process of organising a clear and detailed information about these objectives has to be obtained. For example- under the Department of Production, purchase department, stock department, research department, etc., can be established to get the benefits of specialisation. After grouping the various activities under different departments and sub-departments, the jobs are assigned to the individuals on the basis of their aptitude and skills. At the middle level, executive management fix the departmental objectives. The last step of the organizing process typically involves a supervisor: grouping activities and assigning duties to the appropriate employees. Each person is given a specific job suited to him and he is made responsible for its execution. Furthermore, the organisation charge can help managers locate duplications and conflicts as a result of awkward arrangements and can be used as a trouble-detector. For example, if sales growth is a target, the organization should have a means of gathering and reporting sales data. To illustrate Materials Management Department may function alongside the Purchase Department to allow better coordination and reduce the ‘lead time’. Once the work is divided and departmentalized then follows the allocation of responsibility. When help comes from many people and outside planners in order to stress problem solving. It shows how current the present organisation structure is (if there is a date on the organisation chart). While delegating authority managers should work on establishing authority responsibility relationships in an organisation structure. The important steps of organising are discussed as under: All the work cannot be done by a single man or machine. Whereas it is important to have right persons on right jobs, it is equally important to have right working environment. Organising means to coordinate and prepare for activity. Please don't expect that the steps will follow neatly one after another; something in step 4 is likely to trigger another look at the first part of the community planning process. The BEST Organizing Steps to Follow For an Organized Home . Determining the Work Activities Necessary to Accomplish Objectives 3. After identifying activities necessary to achieve objectives, classifying and grouping these into major operational areas, and selecting a departmental structure, management has to assign the activities to individuals who are simultaneously given the appropriate authority to accomplish the task. It shows how the company is structured or departmentalised — by function, customer, product, for example. Copyright 10. Lines of accountability are drawn in black and white. There must be constant appraisal of organising process so that changes in the organisation structure can be introduced, consequent to changes in the internal and external environmental factors. Determining the Span of Control and Decentralization 8. This final step necessitates the determination of both ver­tical and horizontal operating relationships of the organisa­tion as a whole. Teachers who have proficiency in Mathematics and skills to teach the subject will be employed under Mathematics department. A good and effective organiser follows series of steps to achieve the desired goal. Taking into consideration the importance and quantity of the work a department can be further divided into many branches or sub-departments. For example, Purchase Department for purchase functions, Finance Department for financing activities, Marketing Department for marketing activities, etc. Managerial positions are defined and the extent of their power and authority is fixed. In practice, the first two processes go hand in hand. 5. Authority delegated to a person should commensurate with his responsibility. It is necessary to determine those work activities which are necessary to accomplish organisation objectives. This will surely lead to a change in the ways in which basic activities are carried out. Usually, this helps in laying out the departments. In practice it is difficult to work with large groups unless they are divided into smaller groups. For accomplishing works which are similar in nature different tasks, processes or skills required are to be placed together so as to achieve organisational objectives. After creating departments, departmental heads are appointed to carry out the activities of their respective departments. 2. This is where the activities of different individuals are carefully synchronised, and interrelationships clearly defined. It also arrests the wastage of resources, prevents duplication or overlapping of efforts and aids smooth working of the company. The success of an organization depends upon the provision of proper physical facilities and right environment. Here are the PROCESS steps: P lan of attack – plan your project – which area(s) do you want to address – make a list – evaluate present system, what is working, what isn’t working, devise new system – determine budget – develop timeline. Further, establishing reporting relationships facilitates coordination at all levels of management. Delegation of authority must be commensurate to the duties and responsibilities assigned. According to Fayol, unity of command is desirable because it simplifies communication and the assignment of responsibility. 4. One day a class teacher gave general instructions to his/her class “please change the class boards with new information, arrange the class library and collect all the books from students by tomorrow”. Keeping this is view, Alfred Chandler has said, “Structure follows strategy.” For example- the structure required for hospital or educational institution is different from the structure required for a manufacturing company. This stage demands three processes to be performed by managers: 1. But the OC fails to show at least three things: (b) the informal communication channels, and. Organisation is established for some objective. Hence, a list of specific tasks must be prepared. At this stage, managers perform the following functions: (i) Examine each activity identified to determine its gen­eral nature. They will receive orders from him and will also be responsible to him. It depends on the objectives of the organisation to determine the key activity. Example – Every school has departments for each subject like Mathematics department, English department, Languages department etc. iii. Grouping of activities into departments is called departmentalisation. A strong thesis helps you organize your essay, and it also helps your reader to understand your argument. For example, a manufacturing concern will have production, marketing and other activities. Collecting Human and Material Resources: 5. Maybe too much is happening within the organization and thus, strategic planning should be postponed. Authority flows from top to bottom and responsibility from bottom to top. Moreover there may emerge new relationships among groups of decision makers. What is social planning? The organising process involves five broad steps: It is necessary to determine those activities which are essential to accomplish the organisational objectives. By authority, we mean power to take decisions, issue instructions, guiding the subordinates, supervise and control them. A superior-subordinate relationship is defined by which each superior should be aware of the extent of authority he/she can have over their subordinates. (It may be recalled that, essentially, division of labour is breaking down the work into its basic components or activities and assigning them to individuals who will then be specialists and perform the jobs more efficiently and effectively.). That … The first step in organizing any essay is to create a thesis statement. With the time, organisations grow and situations change. The implication of this principle is simple enough: the chain of command should be so clear that a subordinate will receive order from one superior and be accountable to him (her) only, hi this case also authority is delegated from the superior to the subordinate. In the 6-step process, marketing and reflecting refer to bringing what you’ve written in front of your audience and assessing the feedback to understand what you could have done better. This will ensure overall control over the working of all departments and their coordinated direction towards the achievements of predetermined goals of business. Providing Physical Facilities and Right Environment: 7. Consideration of Plans and Goals 2. Objectives bring about unity of direction in the organisation. The manage­ment has to identify all the different activities required to be done in order to achieve organisational objectives. The first step is getting a bird’s eye view of the union organizing process. In this step the total work is divided into various activities. An individual who is entrusted with the responsibility must be given authority necessary to carry out the duties assigned to him. Coordination between Authority and Responsibility: Healthy relationships between various groups facilitates smooth interaction which assists the organisation in achievement of its goals. “A strong organizing committee is the foundation for creating a powerful, democratic and active union,” says the Massachusetts Nurses Association (MNA). The closely related or similar activities must be grouped into manageable divisions, departments or work units. Let us discuss the steps involved in the process of organising: The first step in organising is to follow a plan and identify the work to be done. It is an ongoing process which involves gathering resources, identifying work to be performed, assigning duties and responsibilities, delegating authority, and coordinating the efforts of the employees. Organising involves the establish­ment of a sound organization structure so that work is carried out as planned. Right man is put in the right job. Coordinating Activities. Similarly, advertisement and sales activities are given to the marketing department, and department of finance takes care of finance, accounts and correspondence. Defining Authority and Responsibility. An example of the latter is setting up a new plant or department or installing a new plant in an existing plant. It is thus clear that organization provides a structural framework of duties and responsibilities. 2. For example, the finance department wants to cut down costs, but marketing department wants more funds to advertise the products. Share Your PPT File, Process of Organising – 9 Steps Involved in Organizing Process. The activities to be carried out by the organisation have to be identified, grouped and classified into units. Activities can be grouped in the following ways: i. It is at this stage that members of the organisation know from whom each has to take instructions and to whom one has to issue instructions. Organising ensures all departments complement the activities of each other so that they support one another as far as the overall organisational objectives are concerned. There are four parts to the management process: planning, organizing, leading/ directing, and controlling. Areas such as production and maintenance require certain technical skills and qualifications, and as such, jobs in these areas are given too technically qualified people. It also shows the span of management or the span of control — how many subordinates work for each manager (As we shall see later, the span refers to the number of subordinates reporting to one superior. This can affect achievement of organisational goals. Everybody should clearly know to whom he is accountable. This creates a structure of relationships where every individual knows his superiors and subordinates and their reporting relationships. 0 votes. In 2017, union membership among public-sector workers was 34.4% - five times higher than private-sector workers at 6.5%.The reason perhaps being that employees who work in the public-sector have the ability to bargain for against the government – giving them the possibility of securing vast sums of money.Compare that with a private-sector union, where the employee can only bargain with their employer. The heads of different departments can discuss collectively about the overall development of school. Steps in the Process of Organising. True enough, selling, advertising, shipping and storing can be considered as marketing-related activities, and can be grouped under the broad heading ‘marketing’ without any loss of generality. The vertical structuring of the organisation results in a decision making hierarchy specifying the respective roles of managers at different levels in the organisational hier­archy. It is very important that for effective implementation of plans the work is assigned to such people who possess essential abilities and skills to perform their jobs with maximum efficiency. Coordination becomes possible by defining relationships amongst departments and people working at different positions. This implies that employees will have to report to an authority like the top management or superiors who manage, guide, supervise and oversee the work and responsibilities of their subordinate reporting to them. Therefore, there is the need to classify the tasks into two categories: on-going tasks and once-for-all tasks. Changes and reassignments will take place. The strategic implication of this principle for business is that the activities determine the type and quantum of authority necessary. This step is a crucial one in both the initial and ongoing organising processes. Organising an Enterprise Step # 1. Delegation of Authority – Authority without responsibility is a dangerous thing and similarly, responsibility without authority, is like an empty vessel. You need to determine specifically how you want this space to serve you so you’ll know what things ultimately belong in that space. However, accountability arises along with the delegation of authority. Perhaps you also use your kitchen table as a homewor… If the responsibility is greater than the authority given and is insufficient to cope with the responsibility, the responsibility cannot be discharged successfully. An organisation charge shows the levels of management that exist in a given structure, in addition to the chain of command and reporting relationships. In general, the organizational process consists of five steps (a flowchart of these steps is shown in Figure 1): 1.Review plans and objectives. The various processes of organization explained above are technically performed through-, (b) Delegation of authority and fixation of responsibilities, and. Coordination in the organisation is essential for better performance of employees as well as for the timely achievement of organisational goals. It shows who reports to whom — the chain of command. Can you identify the reason? After that, departments may be linked depending on their related activities or functions. Come Organize With Me: Kitchen Cabinets. Which is the first step in the process of conducting a literature review? In order to complete the organising function of management, following steps are taken: (1) Knowing the Objectives of the Enterprise, (3) Grouping and Departmentalization of Activities. Designing a Hierarchy of Relationships. This is necessary for most desirable performance. The effect of this coordination is that it lends a feeling of teamwork and an environment of efficiency within the organisation. Identifying and Classifying the Work Activities: 3. Begin writing your final draft by picking or creating one sentence that directly reflects the main point of your essay. The managerial function of organising may be called as the ‘process of organising’. At the top level, administrative management first fixes the common objectives of organisation. 9. The activities and efforts of different individuals are then synchronized. What is social action? Groups, departments and divisions are being formed on the basis of the objectives of the organisa­tion. For example- if a marketing manager is assigned the responsibility of increasing sales but has not been given the authority to appoint sales representatives needed for the job, the increase in sales cannot be expected. Content Guidelines 2. In order to achieve the objectives of the enterprise grouping of various activities is done. Assign activities to specific positions and people and allocate necessary resources. The class teacher forgot to divide the work, assign responsibilities and develop reporting relationship. Thus, channels of communications are also created. The activities of a department may be further classi­fied into sections. Objectives are the specific activities that must be completed to achieve goals. The first step in the process of organisation is to know about the objectives of the enterprise. This conflict can be resolved through co­ordination so that all departments share common resources. 2. This is necessary for the smooth running and the prosperity of the enterprise. Clarifying the authority is useful in making the company’s operations efficient. Example – The teacher should have assigned the responsibility of boards to one group, library maintenance to another and collection of notebooks to the third group. The steps are: 1. TOS4. For example, the Finance Department may temporarily look after the newly set up corporate planning department. Once the activities have been identified, they have to be grouped into units and each group is placed under the charge of a manager. Delegating Authority 5. When two or more than two persons work for the attainment of common goals their inter-relationship must be defined very clearly. 3. Classifying and Grouping Activities 4. Grouping of Activities 4. The union informs the NLRB of interest in unionizing. Certo - Chapter 07 #56 Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 07-06: Identify the steps in the process of organizing. While authority and responsibility moves downward in the scalar chain of command in an organisation, accountability moves upwards. Organising is an important function of a manager. Grouping and classification of activities helps to attain the benefits of specialisation. Determining Activities: The first step in organising is to identify and enumerate […] Organisational plans and their goals affect organising and its outcome, the organisation. 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