eleusine indica morphology

Eleusine indica L. possesses antioxidant activity and precludes carbon tetrachloride (CCl₄)-mediated oxidative hepatic damage in rats. Bernice P. Bishop Museum special publication. Eleusine luco Welw. It includes published material or suggestions from the author or others. Its nutrient digestibility and palatability were comparable to that of the mixed local forages (Regmi et al., 2009). Parameters E. indica S. pyramidalis Height, cm 30 - 62 45 - 62 Number of leaves per culm 4 -5 2.6- 3.6 Données acquises à La Réunion sur l’efficacité des produits herbicides dans le cadre du Réseau herbicide canne à sucre par eRcane avec le financement de l’ODEADOM et de l’ONEMA. Variables of interest to ecologists include the composition, distribution, amount (biomass), number, and changing states of organisms within and among ecosystems. This species generally invades disturbed habitats in natural areas and the margins of conservation areas. The root system is particularly tough and difficult to … Does not include altitudinal distribution, which is covered under Habitat. 240 Grasses of Southern Africa. East-West Center, University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu, 609 p. Ivens G. W., 1989. Describes biorhythms - those states or conditions characterised by regular repetition in time, whether on the scale of seconds, hours, days, or seasons. Cdrom. It is listed in the top 200 environmental weeds in south-eastern Queensland and also appears on environmental weed lists in the wider Sydney and Blue Mountains region in New South Wales. Burkina Faso : fréquente et peu abondante. 2nd edition. La source doit être explicitement citée. It is a tufted annual grass, prostrate and spreading, or erect to about 40 cm, depending on densit… Madagascar : Espèce de fréquence relativement faible mais localement abondante et nuisible pour les cultures fumées ou des bas-fond et dans les zones à sols volcaniques (Antsirabe, Itasy) : maïs, riz pluvial, cultures maraîchères. Guyane : Espèce très fréquente en zone maraichère, souvent en bordure de parcelle, proche des canaux de drainage. and resembles it, which makes its elimination difficult in fields of cultivated finger millet (Husson et al., 2012). cahier technique n°34, (les doses sont exprimées en produit commercial) - 2014. Finger millet (Eleusine coracana ssp. J., 75 (3): 566-569, Orden, E. A. ; Serra, A. Northern Cameroon: Eleusine indica is able to germinate and develop at any time of the year if soil moisture is adequate. (2020). Flore du Rwanda, Spermatophyte (Volume IV). Mineral concentration in blood of grazing goats and some forage in lahar-laden area of Central Luzon, Philippines. Techn. It can grow on very shallow or compacted soils (Wagner et al., 1999). Emphasis was on germination, as it determined success or failure as a competitor in a crop. 124 pp. https://www.feedipedia.org/node/446 Last updated on July 30, 2019, 11:30, Feedipedia - Animal Feed Resources Information System - INRAE CIRAD AFZ and FAO © 2012-2020 | Copyright | Disclaimer | Editor login, Tables of chemical composition and nutritional value, Finger millet (Eleusine coracana), forage, Goose grass (Eleusine indica), aerial part, fresh, Asongwed-Awa, A. ; Abakar, O. ; Vall, E., 2003. Le bord présente des touffes de longs poils. 40p; Le Bourgeois Th., 1993. West African Weeds. Biodiversity Informatics Platform. Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperative, Bangkok (Thailand), Chippindall, L.K.A. A searchable catalogue of grass and forage legumes. FAO, Rome, Italy, FAO, 2017. Chemical composition of selected green plants available to small ruminants in the dry season in humid Nigeria. Ligule membrano-ciliée et très courte (haute de 1 mm). Agron. University of Hawai‘i Press/Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu. http://www.kew.org/data/grasses-db.html. La base de la gaine est blanchâtre. africana using caryopsis and bracteole morphology. Maurice : Adventice assez fréquente dans les champs de canne à sucre, avec une nuisibilité faible. [email protected] Indian goosegrass. is an annual or short-lived perennial pantropical grass that is mostly considered as a noxious weed (Jalaludin et al., 2010). Oxford University Press, Ibadan, Nigeria, 255 p. Husson, O., H. Charpentier, F.-X. One example is blast, a fungal disease of rice, wheat, and other grasses, that can destroy enough food The Board of Trustees, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Ecocrop, 2019. East-West Center, University Press of Hawaii. E. indica is a tufted annual grass, prostrate and spreading, or erect to about 40 cm, depending on density of vegetation but not usually rooting at the nodes. Eleusine indica is a pantropical and subtropical grass. This rapid development cycle enables this species to produce seeds before the first weeding, especially if it is late. Le chaume est fortement comprimé, large de 2 à 5 mm. Micronesica 6:1-659. In Zimbabwe, it has been reported to provide the greater part of grazing in the first year in recently planted pastures (Chippindall et al., 1976). The root system is very well developed and strong and the name jongos gras, used in South Africa, implies that … [Cela peut concerner les écosystèmes où l'organisme est en déclin ou a été éliminé]. Manual of the flowering plants of Hawaii. is called the morphology of that living being. The website also provides access to a database and images of plants photos and herbarium specimens found at … Sci., 10 (1): 28-34, Stone, B.C., 1970. In India and Africa, because of the importance of E. coracana, only bioherbicidal control using local agents was possible. Naturalized elsewhere in the warm and wet regions of the world. Dpt of Forests, Div. Indian Goose Grass (Eleusine indica) About Indian Goose Grass Indian Goose Grass is a Grass. E.P.S. f., Fl. Le contrôle mécanique ou manuel d’E. paper no. L'inflorescence est formée par 4 à 5 épis vert clair dressés obliquement à partir de l'extrémité de la tige. Turfiles: Goose grass. Paléas membraneuses plus courtes que les lemmas et plus étroites. Effects of nitrogen fertilization and cutting height on the forage yield and feeding value of, Sen, K. M. ; Macey, G. L., 1965. Summary The effects of simulated human trampling on leaf morphology and ethylene production as well as the effect of an ethylene releaser ethephon on leaf morphology were investigated for trampling‐tolerant species, Plantago asiatica and Eleusine indica , and trampling‐susceptible species, Gnaphalium affine and Panicum bisulcatum .In Pl. ; Crook, A.O., 1976. The asterisk * indicates that the average value was obtained by an equation. The presence of cyanogenic glucosides has been reported in India and Australia, where it has been occasionally lethal to calves and sheep, but not in Africa. Suboptimale N‐Gaben verminderten die Konkurrenzkraft des Reises in Mischbeständen mit Eleusine indica, Rottboellia cochinchinensis, ... ( Amaranthus palmeri ) to Nitrogen Fertilization and Crop Rotation History Affect Morphology and Nutrient-Use Efficiency , … Carène anguleuse. Seychelles : Adventice majeure des parcelles cultivées, affectant une large variété de cultures, en particulier les légumes, fruits, les cultures souterraines et ornementales, les plantations et nurseries. coracana (L.) Lye Eleusine indica var. Les feuilles sont alternes, distiques et dressées obliquement. Eleusine indica se développe en touffes denses, plus ou moins étalées. Difficile à contrôler une fois installée. Ikhimioya, I. ; Olagunju, B. O., 1996. Welsh, S. L., 1998. The greatest numbers of seeds of different weed species germinated when seeds were placed on the soil surface (Fig. Origin of Finger Millet. Intake and digestibility of, Bhannasiri, T., 1970. Musée Royal de l'Afrique centrale, Tervuren, Belgique. 209. Weed Biol. The racemes are 4-15 cm in length. In Sierra Leone, in cattle enclosures, it was found to be the first and dominant pioneering species of the compacted soil after cattle were let out for free-range grazing (Boboh, 1974, pers. Action led by the French Ministry of Agriculture, food and forest, with financial support from the National Agency for Water and Aquatic Environments, on the finance issued from the tax for the pollution diffused, attributed to the finance of the Ecophyto plan. 402, Göhl, B., 1982. in Tomato, Pepper, Cucurbits, and Strawberry 3 Management Physical and Cultural Control In plasticulture production systems, goosegrass can be controlled with the use of plastic mulches and hand pulling of small plants that emerge in the planting holes during the cropping period. Thèse USTL Montpellier II, Montpellier, France, 241 p. Le Bourgeois, T., Carrara, A., Dodet, M., Dogley, W., Gaungoo, A., Grard, P., Ibrahim, Y., Jeuffrault, E., Lebreton, G., Poilecot, P., Prosperi, J., Randriamampianina, J.A., Andrianaivo, A.P., Théveny, F. 2008. The seeds are used as famine food and the vegetative parts can be eaten as vegetable (Lim, 2016). Enumerates geographic entities where the taxon lives. Stanfield and Lowe ed., Ibadan University Press, Ibadan, Nigeria, 118 p. Akobundu I.O. 1994). Marge finement scabre et ciliée, surtout à proximité de la ligule. Graminées du Cameroun, Vol. Bull. FAO, Rome, Italy, Fraps, G. S., 1929. Objective of knowing the life cycle of weed Asian-Austr. CENTERE, NCSU, USA, Nuwanyakpa, M. Y.; Bolsen, K. K.; Posler, G. L.; Diaz, M. Q.; Rivera, F. R., 1983. Une fois établie, la plante est plus difficile à contrôler. Feuilles disposées de façon distique et dressées obliquement. Eleusine indica can be used as forage. Flore spontanée des cultures maraichères et fruitières de Guyane. FAO, Division de Production et Santé Animale, Roma, Italy, Hanelt, P.; Kilian, R.; Kilian, W., 2001. Known or potential benefits of the species for humans, at a direct economic level, as instruments of education, prospecting, eco-tourism, etc. Collins, Salisbury, Rhodesia, Clayton, W. D. ; Harman, K. T. ; Williamson, H., 2006. Bulletin No. Limbe long de 10 à 35 cm et large de 3 à 10 mm, linéaire, plié à la base puis aplati vers le sommet, qui se termine en coin aigu. Décrire les techniques et les objectifs utilisés dans la gestion des espèces - élevage et de culture, lutte, etc. Flore des jachères et adventices des cultures. Includes cues, strategies, restraints, rates. Relations interorganismes dans leur environnement. In vitro digestibility values were 67% and 61% for DM and OM respectively (Nuwanyakpa et al., 1983; Jackson et al., 1996). Supplementary energy-production coefficients of American feeding stuffs fed ruminants. 9th Int. (Figure 1) is an annual erect plant, with the culm having 15-40 cm in length, 0.6 mm in diameter, glabrous, branched in the upper part, not just at … Elle est plus fréquente et plus abondante dans les champs de case recevant une forte fumure. WARDA, Bouaké. Cédérom. Etude de la phénologie et des traits de réponse aux pratiques culturales des espèces végétales d'intér... Caractérisation des communautés adventices des vergers d’agrumes de la Réunion et détermination d’espè... Les mauvaises herbes dans la rotation cotonnière au Nord-Cameroun (Afrique), Analyse de la flore adventice de la lentille à Cilaos - Réunion, Caractérisation des enherbements en culture de canne à sucre à La Réunion, Analyse comparée de la flore adventice en culture d’ananas et de canne à sucre à la Réunion. Elle a, par contre, une nuisibilité moyenne à forte dans les cultures maraîchères. Local control, (Doses are expressed in commercial products) - 2014, Lutte chimique : Eleusine indica peut être maîtrisée par des traitements de pré-levée dans le maïs. 1789; Hook. The world’s worst weeds: distribution and biology. J. Appl. The results can also be downloaded as a CSV file (Unicode UTF-8 encoding).. See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions. Goose grass has been reported to be grazed by wild game mammals and by buffaloes. Les feuilles sont assez larges et pliées, disposées à plat. J. Anim. Ouganda : fréquente et généralement abondante. Technology partner Adventrop - Les adventices d'Afrique soudano-sahélienne. In Japan, Eleusine indica pasture was well accepted by cattle when allowed to graze various herbage species including weeds, and it was among the more palatable species among eleven species or cultivars tested (Nashiki et al., 2005). In Nepal, it could yield 1.83–3.82 t/ha of DM through 5 harvests during the dry season (Regmi et al., 2009). The seedlings can be eaten raw or cooked as vegetables and the seeds can be cooked whole or ground into flour in times of scarcity in India (Ecocrop, 2019; Lim, 2016). AFROweeds V.1.0: African weeds of rice. Variables d'intérêt pour l'écologie (composition, distribution, biomasse, allelopathie). Bénin : Eleusine indica est rare mais abondante quand elle est présente. Au stade jeune, elle est contrôlée par le fluazifop-p-butyl. Nervure centrale marquée, formant une gouttière. This result is in accordance with a more recent observation in Nepal where goose grass was well accepted and consumed by goats when offered with a limited amount of maize grain. Glume inférieure de 1 à 3 mm de long et glume supérieure de 2,5 à 5 mm de long, membraneuses, lancéolées, présentant une nervure centrale marquée et scabre. It grows in moist as well as marshy areas, puddles, shallow ponds, fields, river and stream edges, ditches, canals etc. The culms hold 2-7 digitate panicles. GTZ, Verlag Josef Margraf ed. Goose grass (Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.) Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn., Fruct. Proc. B. ; Serra, S. D. ; Aganon, C. P. ; Cruz, E. M. ; Cruz, L. C. ; Fujihara, T., 1999. Elles sont dressées tout le long de la tige. Tropicultura, 14 (3): 115-117, Jackson, F. S. ; McNabb, W. C. ; Barry, T. N. ; Foo, Y. L. ; Peters, J. S., 1996. Iqbal M(1), Gnanaraj C. Author information: (1)Biotechnology Research Institute, Universiti Malaysia Sabah-Jalan UMS, 88999 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Les racines sont fasciculées et profondes. It thrives on sandy soil and N-rich soils. La base de la gaine est blanchâtre. Quantitative observations on the morphology of E. indicaand S. pyramidalis are indicated in Table 1. 420 pp. In : Manuel pratique du semis direct à Madagascar. Couvre par exemple, une région globale, ou une plus étroite; peut être biogéographique, politique ou autre (par exemple, les zones gérées pour la conservation) ; endémisme; indigène ou exotique. Hierarchy contributed by the species page author. Grasses are herbaceous plants with narrow leaves originating at the base of the plant. It is a small annual grass distributed throughout the warmer areas of the world. Oxford University press, Nairobi. Etude de la dynamique de la végétation après abandon de la culture au Nord-Cameroun. Chiov. Chimiquement, elle est bien contrôlée par la plupart des herbicides de pré-levée (alachlore, atrazine, oxadiazon, pendiméthaline, diuron). Vanden Berghen C., 1983. Au cours de deux campagnes agricoles (2006/2007, 2007/2008) à La Réunion, l’... Ligule membranous and short ciliate with hairs around the ligule, Ligule ciliate with hairs around the ligule, Ligule membranous and long ciliate with hairs around the ligule, Ligule membranous with hairs around the ligule, Ligule corneous and short ciliate with hair around the ligule, Ligule corneous and long ciliate with hairs around the ligule, Capsule splitting vertically in 3 carpels, Capsule splitting vertically in 2 carpels, Capitule with tubular and ligulate flowers, Doses are expressed in commercial products, Data acquired in Reunion on the effectiveness of herbicides in the context of the sugarcane herbicide network by eRcane Network with funding from the. La Réunion : voir le site de CaroCanne (Le magazine en ligne des professionnels de la canne à sucre à La Réunion) ; GrassBase - The Online World Grass Flora. Variability in ash, crude protein, detergent fiber and mineral content of some minor plant species collected from pastures grazed by goats. Describes techniques and goals used in management of species - breeding and cultivation, control etc. It is found from sea level up to 1200-2000 m altitude in disturbed land, waste places , along roadsides and riversides, beaches and open banks and in damp marshlands. Common weeds of Central Sudan. It could also cover phenomena such as "plant flowering" or "chewing rates". Plant genetic studies have revealed it to be one of the wild progenitors for domesticated finger millet (Eleusine coracana) in Africa (Werth et al. It has been cited as an invasive weed of rice in Nigeria (Gill et al., 1978 cited by Burkill, 1985). Ibadan, Nigeria, 521 p. Berhaut J., 1967. Asian-Aust. Les aliments du bétail sous les tropiques. L'asulame donne de bons résultats dans la canne à sucre. The leaves are alternate and the leaf-blade is flat, linear sometines folded, 5-35 cm long x 4-6 mm wide (Clayton et al., 2006; Welsh, 1998; Holm et al., 1977; Stone, 1970). Mansfeld's Encyclopedia of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops (except ornamentals). Biological TypegrassCodeELEINHabitatterrestrialLife Formannual Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin, Hambourg : 587-665. The root system is particularly tough and difficult to pull out (Ecocrop, 2019). Though crowsfoot grass (Eleusine indica) is primarily regarded as a weed of agricultural areas and habitation, it is also seen as an environmental weed in parts of Queensland and New South Wales. 7., Lae, Papua New Guinea. Clairafrique éd., Dakar, Sénégal, 485 p. Braun M., Burgstaller H., Hamdoun A. M. & Walter H., 1991. La caractérisation des enherbements de la canne à sucre à la Réunion... Caractérisation des enherbement en culture d'ananas à La Réunion. The use of evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine is increasing rapidly. Papers 92 - 1, Wageningen, 557 p. Clayton, W.D., Vorontsova, M.S., Harman, K.T. Jardin Botanique National de Belgique, 66 p. Zon van der A.P.M., 1992. Nord-Cameroun : C'est une adventice mineure, présente dans 15 % des parcelles cultivées. However, benefits to ecosystems not specific to humans are best treated under Risk statement (what happens when the organism is removed). Eleucine indica (EI) is traditionally used in ailments associated with liver and kidneys. Eleusine indica subsp. Migration saisonnière et reproduction sont traités séparément. Action pilotée par le ministère français chargé de l'agriculture de l’agroalimentaire et de la forêt, avec l’appui financier de l’Office national de l'eau et des milieux aquatiques, sur les crédits issus de la redevance pour pollutions diffuses attribués au financement du plan Ecophyto. Describes reproductive physiology and behavior, including mating and life history variables. ex Sweet Eleusine pilosa Gilli Eleusine reniformis Divak. Kenya : fréquente et généralement abondante. Oxford University Press, Nairobi, Kenya, 289 p. Le Bourgeois, T. and H. Merlier (1995). 609 pp. Montpellier, France & Cotonou, Bénin, Cirad-AfricaRice eds. The threats to which this taxon is subject. Goose grass is a close relative of finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.) The seeds produced at this time are not dormant and germinate immediately. 1: 8. Ecocrop database. New Zealand Grassland Association, 57: 203-206, Jalaludin, A. ; Ngim, J. ; Bakar, B. H. J. ; Alias, Z., 2010. Peut inclure des services écosystémiques. Ne comprend pas la distribution altitudinale, qui est traité dans le champ "habitat". manienie ali'I. coracana (finger millet, eleusine) is widely distributed in Africa and India as a cereal. The seed is a rugose caryopsis, 1-1.3 mm long, enclosed in a very loose, membranous pericarp (FAO, 2017). Eleusine indica, the Indian goosegrass, yard-grass, goosegrass, wiregrass, or crowfootgrass, is a species of grass in the family Poaceae. & Agyakwa C.W., 1989. Grassland Index. [This may also include impacts on ecosystems should the organism decline or be extirpated], Impacts négatifs sur les communautés humaines incluant l'invasibilité. Effet de l’époque de coupe de la canne à sucre sur l’enherbement et le cycle biologique des adventices... https://explore.recolnat.org/search/botanique/simplequery=Eleusine%2520indica, https://portal.wiktrop.org/biodiv/species/show/126. Ambayeba Muimba-Kankolongo, in Food Crop Production by Smallholder Farmers in Southern Africa, 2018. Tanzanie : fréquente et peu abondante. Evidence for distinct roles of the SEPALLATA gene LEAFY HULL STERILE1 in Eleusine indica and Megathyrsus maximus (Poaceae) Renata Reinheimer,a Simon T. Malcomber,b,1 and Elizabeth A. Kelloggb, aVegetal Morphology, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (UN L), Kreder 2805, 3080 Esperanza, Santa Fe, Argentina bDepartment of Biology, University of Missouri – Saint L ouis, One University … There is content in another language. Husson, O.; Charpentier H.; Michellon, R.; Razafintsalama, H.; Moussa, N.; Enjalric, F.; Naudin, K.; Rakotondramanana; Seguy, L., 2012. Edible medicinal and non-medicinal Plants: Volume 11 Modified stems, roots, bulbs. from http://plantes-rizieres-guyane.cirad.fr/. The culms are geniculate at the base, slender and compressed. Abideen et al., 2011; Bhannasiri, 1970; CIRAD, 1991; Holm, 1971; Ikhimioya et al., 1996; Jackson et al., 1996; Nashiki et al., 2005; Nuwanyakpa et al., 1983; Orden et al., 1999; Regmi et al., 2009; Sen et al., 1965; Serra et al., 1997; Zaharaby et al., 2001, Heuzé V., Tran G., Hassoun P., Lebas F., 2019. Goose grass is a perennial fodder for local fauna. A textual diagnostic description of the species that is not necessarily structured. It is tolerant of heavy disturbance like trampling, organic pollution and can grow along sewage lines, gutters easily. Grassld Congr., p. 763, Serra, A. The chemical composition of some indigenous grasses of coastal savanna of Ghana at different stages of growth. Johnson, D.E., 1997. Côte d'Ivoire : fréquente et peu abondante. Rabbit Res., 8 (4): 181-182, Regmi, P. R.; Devkota, N. R., 2009. Décrire le rythme biologique - Les états et conditions caractérisés par une répétition régulière dans le temps (seconde, heure, jour, saison). 158p; G. W. Ivens (1989). Coracana) is easily separated from its wild progenitor E. coracana ssp. Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. Springer, Nashiki, M.; Narita, H.; Higashiyama, Y., 2005. Eleusine coracana ssp. Cela peut inclure les phénomènes de floraison ou de rumination. Montpellier, France, Cirad. Advent-OI : Principales adventices des îles du sud-ouest de l'Océan Indien.V.1.0. The current map showing distribution of species is only indicative. Thanks to its tough root system, goose grass can be used to stabilize sandy soils. It can however be a productive forage providing up to 30 t/ha of fresh matter, and it can be eaten by livestock at early stages of growth (Ecocrop, 2019; FAO, 2017). Herbage mass, nutritive value and palatability of five grass weeds for cattle in the northern Tohoku region in Japan. Agée, seul le glyphosate peut la contrôler efficacement. Based on morphology This is the most widely used classification by the weed scientists. Negative impacts on humans, communities. Mauvaises herbes des cultures tropicales. A manual for the identification of the vascular plants of the island. It is palatable to livestock when young but becomes tough at later stages. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. It is an invasive species in some areas. ; Plucknett, D. L.; Pancho, J. V.; Herberger, J. P., 1977. La préfoliaison est pliée. However, a trial in Equator reported that Eleusine indica did not seem palatable to beef cattle when it was present as weed in improved pastures in the dry season, even though its protein content and in vitro DM digestibility were fairly good (Nuwanyakpa et al., 1983). Please click here to read it. Strand Life Sciences. http://idao.cirad.fr/SpecieSheet?sheet=adventoi/especes/e/elein/elein_fr.html, http://www.kew.org/data/grasses-db/www/imp03383.htm, http://www.hear.org/pier/species/eleusine_indica.htm, Troupin G. (1989). Goose grass is one of the popular grass species in India. Herbe en touffes denses, haute de 40 à 100 cm, à fort tallage. Life cycles are treated in the field for Life Cycle. Since Eleusine indica was selected as a candidate for both bioherbicidal and classical biological control, knowledge of the pests and diseases of the closely related crop E. coracana in India and Africa was used to evaluate these possibilities. GrassBase - The Online World Grass Flora. E. indica acquired a height Table 1. stricta (Roxb.) Eleusine indica is a major problem in almost all forms of agriculture between the tropics. Thèse Dc. This grass must be considered as a potential feed for rabbits because it is traditionally used by farmers as green forage to feed their rabbits in Central Java during the wet season, and in some areas during the dry season too (Prawirodigdo, 1985). Keywords: Field pathogenomics, Wheat blast, Phylogenomic analysis, Eleusine indica, Oryza sativa Background Outbreaks caused by fungal diseases have increased in frequency and are a recurrent threat to global food se-curity [1]. Long de 1 à 1,5 mm, ridé transversalement. Flore du Sénégal. Brit. Eleusine indica adalah gulma semusim, berumur pendek, dan berkembang biak dengan biji (dapat tumbuh hingga 200 m dpl) struktur. (Hint :- add multiple references separated by a line break (hit Enter)), Updated species field : Uses and Management > Management, http://portal.wiktrop.org/document/show/32, http://portal.wiktrop.org/document/show/31. noeuds foncés et glabres (noeuds inférieurs souvent racinés). Cynosurus indicus L., Eleusine japonica Steud. En général glabre, mais pourvu de longs poils flexueux à la base de la face supérieure. La Réunion : E. indica est une adventice très commune, présente dans 45 % des parcelles cultivées, notamment les cultures maraîchères et la canne à sucre. A general description, with any kind of information about the taxon. cited by Burkill, 1985). Sénégal : fréquente et peu abondante. The condensed tannin content of a range of subtropical and temperate forages and the reactivity of condensed tannin with ribulose-1,5-bis-phosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) protein. Son enracinement est puissant et profond. East African Weeds and Their Control. Grard, P., T. Le Bourgeois, J. Rodenburg, P. Marnotte, A. Carrara, R. Irakiza, D. Makokha, G. kyalo, K. Aloys, K. Iswaria, N. Nguyen and G. Tzelepoglou (2012). goosegrass. Eastern Africa weeds control. ORSTOM-GERDAT-ENSH éd., Montpellier, France, 490 p. Stanfield D.P., 1970. 2ème éd. de Yaoundé, Cameroun, 192 p. Koch W., 1981. Nomenclature and Classification > Taxon Record Name > Scientific Name. Can include ecosystem services. Décrire le comportement et la physiologie de la reproduction, incluant fécondation et traits de vie (taux de reproduction...). Univ. Bot., Bot. The two polars lie appressed to each other near the egg apparatus but do not fuse until after fertilization. Eleusine indica is a short-lived tufted perennial that branches from the base and can have erect, decumbent or prostrate habit. Inc., Orem, Utah. Over this range of distribution, eleusine displays high variability in vegetative, floral and seed morphology. Holm, L.G. Green feeds for rabbits in West and Central Java. Lisse et glabre. Über die Verbreitung von Eleusine indica und E. tristachya (Gramineae) in Österreich Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, B 116: 181-190. Nutritive value of seven tropical weed species during the dry season. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. A maturité, les épillets se désarticulent entre les fleurs. indica est difficile (du fait de son très fort enracinement). India 7: 293. Matériaux pour une flore de la végétation herbacée de la Casamance occidentale, Sénégal, Fascicule 2, Gramineae. C'est une espèce très tolérante au tassement du sol. Goose grass (Eleusine indica). It is a small annual grass distributed throughout the warmer areas of the world to about 50 degrees latitude. Chabaud, K. Naudin, Rakotondramanana et L. Séguy (2010). Cirad, Montpellier, France. Akar Akar Rumput Belulang (Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.) Goose grass is a summer, fast growing grass that optimally grows in full sunlight, where average temperature is 23°C and where annual rainfall ranges fom 500 to 1200 mm. Flowering and fruiting do not depend on the photoperiod as day length remains between 6 and 14 hours. Parfois abondante dans les par-celles de légumes durant la saison des pluies notamment à Cacao. Indian J. Anim. Marnotte, P. and A. Carrara. Weeds of the Pacific Islands. II, Flore. Guide des adventices d'Afrique de l'Ouest. Médicinal : A Madagascar, Eleusine indica est utilisée en embrocation sur entorses et foulures. Les mauvaises herbes dans la rotation cotonnière au Nord-Cameroun (Afrique) - Amplitude d'habitat et degré d'infestation - Cycle de développement. Limbe oblong à linéaire, au sommet arrondi, long de 2 à 10 cm et large de 5 mm. Morphological features of Ekwine indict and Sporoboluppytcr- midolli at Ibadan, Nigeria. バ [Japanese]; 왕바랭이 [Korean]; ഇന്ത്യൻ ഗൂസ്, ഗ്രാസ്സ് [Mayalayam]; Rumput Sambau [Bahasa Melayu]; Kifungambuzi [Kiswahili]; Paragis [Tagalog]; mần trầu [Vietnamese]; 牛筋草 [Chinese] (USDA, 2019; Wikipedia, 2019). Very few studies have been conducted on the forage potential of Eleusine indica for ruminant, in spite of its good resistance to repeated cutting, moderate drought and shade, probably because it is considered as a weed (Regmi et al., 2009). Les épillets sont multiflores, sessiles et disposés en 2 rangées à la face inférieur du rachis. Manag. Un descriptif textuel de l'espèce pas nécessairement structuré. Le glyphosate peut être utilisé s’il n’y a pas de risque pour les cultures. 5 (3): 110-117, NCSU, 2012. Guide de reconnaissance des 140 adventices les plus communes des parcelles cultivées. These compounds have been mentioned in young leaves and in wilted leaves (Göhl, 1982; Hanelt et al., 2001; SEPASAL, 2018). Éliminé ] source must be explicitly quoted puis rapidement redressé - 1, Wageningen, 557 p. Clayton W.... De l'extrémité de la ligule are indicated in Table 1 1985 ) 587-665... Herbaceous plants with narrow leaves originating at the base, slender and compressed adulte car présente!, floral and seed morphology 1 - Antananarivo: GSDM/CIRAD, 2010 ) tough at later stages grass... Suggested a probable Indian origin for finger millet ( Eleusine indica ( L. ) Gaertn. est présente,,. ( Swarbrick et al., 2009 eleusine indica morphology with liver and kidneys couleur rougeâtre à noir loi, par,., E. E. ; Pritchard, G. S., 1985, 3 to 4 months field for cycle. Of May been cited as an invasive weed of rice in Nigeria Gill... Congr., p. R. ; Sohmer, S., 1929 sud-ouest de l'Océan...., 75 ( 3 ): 110-117, NCSU, 2012 à cm. 10 cm et large de 2 à 10 cm et large de 5 mm: C'est une mineure!: GSDM/CIRAD, 2010: 64 p. Berton, a, n-type for rabbits in West and Central.... Kind of information about the taxon 15 % des parcelles cultivées de Indien.V.1.0! W. D. ; Harman, K.T Narita, H. Charpentier, F.-X Herbst, D. R. Sohmer... Through 5 harvests during the dry season Sohmer, S., 1929 EI ) is widely distributed in Africa India! Weeds as alternative feed resource for ruminants in Bangladesh `` cycle de vie ( taux de reproduction )... Sepasal, 2018 is an annual or short-lived perennial pantropical grass that mostly... J. p., 1977 for ruminants in Bangladesh be a good source of forage, either or! Feeding is very well developed and strong and the vegetative parts can be used to fever! Agriculture between the tropics > taxon Record name > Scientific name '' ``... A été éliminé ] 2019 ; Welsh, 1998 ; Stone, B.C., 1970 est difficile à.... Évidence les principales plantes de jachères et adventices des îles du sud-ouest l'Océan!, T. and H. Merlier ( 1995 ) or attractive characteristics of this taxon to the public... Ei ) is widely distributed in Africa and India as a cereal indicates... Cela peut inclure les phénomènes de floraison ou de rumination à plat dressés obliquement à partir de l'extrémité de Casamance! Manual for the identification of the island biomasse, allelopathie ) la surface supérieure il... To be grazed by wild game mammals and by buffaloes G. W., Moody K. & Egunjobi K.... Le cycle de vie est traité dans le champ `` Habitat '' loi, par exemple une... Made into coarse hay or silage and their natural environment South Africa, implies that … morphology l'écologie composition!, benefits to ecosystems not specific to humans are best treated under statement... Local agents was possible M. & Walter H., Hamdoun A. M. Walter. Ghana at different stages of growth distribution of species is usually dry at the end of the 's..., 1975 1 à 1,5 mm, ridé transversalement chimiquement eleusine indica morphology elle est présente les plus communes des cultivées! Plants available to small ruminants in Bangladesh Troupin G. ( 1989 ) respect to each other and their natural.! % des parcelles cultivées the flowering plants of the importance of E. coracana, bioherbicidal..., the source must be explicitly quoted cattle in the dry season ( Regmi et al., 2010 ) exemple... Failure as a competitor in a eleusine indica morphology the spikelets are appressed, in! 1: les principales caractériqtiques du taxon mettant en évidence les principales de... Salisbury, Rhodesia, Clayton, W. D. ; Harman, K. T. ; Williamson H.. Très tolérante au tassement du sol ( labour, sarclage, buttage ) précoces sont à. And fruiting do not fuse until after fertilization supérieure où il est de... - Amplitude d'habitat et degré d'infestation - cycle de développement most relevant or attractive characteristics of this taxon the... Side of the plant the rainy season ( September-October ) after a development cycle enables this species to produce before. Non-Medicinal plants: Volume 11 Modified stems, roots, bulbs this species usually!, 1989 ’ y a pas de risque pour les cultures maraîchères sur entorses et.... P. Koch W.: Maladies, ravageurs et mauvaises herbes dans la canne sucre... Weeks after emergence glumes, at alternating temperatures of 20/35 deg C in light is able to and. Apparatus but do not depend on the photoperiod as day length remains between 6 14... Plant species collected from pastures grazed by wild game mammals and by.! During the dry season ( September-October ) after a development cycle enables this species to produce seeds before first., ravageurs et mauvaises herbes des cultures tropicales & ccm=200030 in almost all forms of Agriculture cooperative... Sometimes balloon-like origin for finger millet from its wild progenitor E. coracana, only bioherbicidal control local. - breeding and cultivation, control etc sometimes balloon-like abondante quand elle est bien contrôlée la! Guide de reconnaissance des 140 adventices les plus communes des parcelles cultivées game mammals and by.... As alternative feed resource for ruminants in Bangladesh management relative to a piece of legislation, e.g. a..., Plucknett D. L. ; Pancho, J. p., 1977 la dynamique de la,! Crude protein, detergent fiber and mineral content of some indigenous grasses of savanna! Du rachis ; Harman, K. Naudin, Rakotondramanana et L. Séguy ( 2010 ) of Hawaii Honolulu. Bordure de parcelle, proche des canaux de drainage the plant indict and Sporoboluppytcr- at. La physiologie de la ligule nurseries ( Swarbrick et al., 1997 ) is to... Sarclage, buttage ) précoces p. Koch W., 1989 mauvaises herbes dans la rotation cotonnière au.... Couleur rougeâtre à noir quand elle est présente dynamique de la reproduction incluant! Est formée par 4 à 5 mm the field for life cycle if moisture. Dakar, Sénégal, 485 p. Braun M., Burgstaller H., 1991 when young but becomes at...

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